Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Social Networks in Woolworths Limited-Free-Samples for Students

Question: Discuss about the Social Networks in Business Research. Answer: Woolworths Limited is a major Australian organization that involves in the activities of retailing products physically and through the internet. The organization is international since it has managed to expand its operations beyond its local Australian borders to New Zealand. It is also the second largest organization after the Perth-Based organization, basing this ranking on revenue. The operations of the organization are said to be retail based, mostly because it mainly relies on suppliers to obtain its products, with some of these products being finished goods that await being sold to the end users. The success of this organization is mainly attached to its able leadership, which has provided the right direction for the organization through the highly effective and capable decision that it has been making. This paper provides both the front and the back stage flow charts of the organization, an explanation of how significant the services encounter is to the organization and clear analysis of the implications of the organizational management (Woolworths, 2017.) Organizational Flow Chart The organizational flow chart shows the flow of power and management within the organization. Is simply reveals the supremacy of all the positions within it and who the organizational employees are answerable to. Backstage Flowchart In all organizations, there are both the front and back stage aspects of an organization. The front stage refers to the specific aspects that are open to the public and the perception that the organization has made clear for all individuals to view and understand about how it operates. These aspects are however very different with the reality of operations. The backstage provides a clear view of how the organization operates, with the inclusion of the many aspects that customers are not able to view. The following organizational flow chart represents the backstage organizational structure of Woolworths Limited organization Front Stage Flowchart Apart from the flow chart above, have a different view and understanding of how the organization operates. The flow chart below is known as the front stage flow chart of the organization, and reveals the perception that the public has on how the organization operates Explanation of significance of the service encounter Service encounter is simply the means through an individual or organization provides services to another individual or organization with the aim of attaining gains from the same. Woolworths Limited organization has established a strong business management structure with an aim or ensuring that it offers high-quality goods and services to its customers. The organizational service encounter has remained effective for a long time, an aspect that has helped the organization attain the second ranking based on its revenue in Australia. The organizational service encounter is thus of significant importance to the organization, and it is the main reason why the organization has managed to maintain its customers and even obtain royal ones who only purchase goods and services from it. The first major significance aspect of the organizational service encounter is the fact that its effectiveness has attracted a large number of organizational customers. The customers of any organization are only attracted to that organization by the capabilities that the organization reveals in offering its services. Customers cannot become loyal to an organization that does not satisfy them with the services that it offers. From the management structure and strategies that Woolworths Limited organization utilizes, it is clear to view and understand the means through which it manages to win the willingness of the customers to purchase its products and services. Individuals have a significant will to ensure that they implement effectiveness in their operations and that they remain in complete control of all the important operations at hand. Analysis of Managerial implications Organizational management is the most important aspect of any organization. An organization is highly effective in its operations when its management has established a strategy and means of operation that ensures all the decisions being made are appropriate and beneficial to its progress. From the backstage flowchart of the Woolworths organization, the first aspect of consideration is the means through which it ensures that organizational employees remain completely effective and capable of maintaining effectiveness. The organization has established a solid management structure that ensures it is run by a group of individuals and its decisions are not made by a single individual. The organizational chief executive officer is the individuals that a large number of people consider to be the main decision maker. From the backstage management flowchart, however, it is clear that the CEO of the organization is answerable to a group of organizational directors who formulate the board of di rectors. This board is thus the group of individuals that make the most important decisions of the organization (Child, J. 2015). The CEO of Woolworths Limited organization is a senior individual and a highly reputable decision maker for the organization. Being given such a position in any organization requires an individual that is highly skilled and capable of maintaining the effectiveness of operation within an organization. Despite all these skills, however, it is still difficult for an individual to operate without making any form of mistakes. This aspect is the main reason why the organization has established the board of directors as the overseeing body that determines whether the decisions that the CEO makes are4 the most appropriate decisions that should be made for the organization. This is because making even a single wrong decision in such an organization might cause major problems with aspects regarding the organizational operations and profit making process (Takahara, Y. Mesarovic, M. 2004) Despite these aspects, however, the board only address the most important matters but allows the organizational CEO to handle the rest of the issues. This is considered important because, like all other individuals, CEOs do not operate well when they are put under pressure. Since the most skilled individuals in an organization are the people considered for the chance of becoming organizational CEOs, it becomes appropriate to give them an opportunity to govern the organization without too much interference by the board of directors on the routine decisions that they make. It is thus clear that the success of an organization significantly relies upon the effectiveness of that organization in its operation. The other important aspect of consideration is the extent to which the organization has established effective governance at all levels of operation. Woolworths Limited is a significantly large organization, and thus every decision that is to be made cannot be referred to the organizational CEO. To maintain a high level of decision-making effectiveness, the organization has selected a group of highly skilled individuals to hold important positions within the organization and has given them the mandate to make important decisions within there are of operation. These individuals among others include the Chief Financial Officer and the General Human Resource director. With such high form of organizational stratification and division of operation, the organization manages to run smoothly, with all the important decisions being made in an effective way (Pinterest, 2017). In conclusion, Woolworths Limited organization has established a significantly stable form of operation that enables it to manage to remain among the best organizations in Australia. The organization has also established a good management structure that ensures its decisions are made in the most effective way possible. Through its operations and effectiveness of operation, the organization has managed to enhance effectiveness in the services that it offers, an aspect that has attracted a large number of customers to the organization. References Child, J. 2015.Organization : contemporary principles and practices. Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley. Pinterest, 2017. Explore Organizational Chart: Pinterest. Available at https://www.pinterest.com/pin/276689970835302273/ Takahara, Y. Mesarovic, M. 2004.Organization Structure. Boston, MA: Springer US. Woolworths, 2017. Woolworths Management Structure. Woolworths Limited. Available at https://orreconomics.weebly.com/management-structure.html

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